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Ione of The Moonstone

| Moon Elf | Lv. 8 | Cleric 8 |


Early Years

Being born into the Moonstone family, Nodelia's ruling Theocratic family, Ione had the means to acquire a round education. She has studied and researched quite the impressive amount of disciplines. During her formative years she was able to cross paths with various people and entities from all over the multiverse.

Studying at the Feldspar Academy

These events led to her lifelong, sincere devotion to science and the pursuit of knowledge. Eventually, alongside with her mentor, Prof. V. Blelux, she attempted to unlock all mysteries of the multiverse. During one of their experiments, Ione went too far with her ambition. This reckless act ended up causing the death of Prof. Blelux's. She received a letter from him, sent to her before the accident, with a question she still tries to answer.

Due to this dark incidence in her past, she now roams the lands doing good deeds in order to redeem herself, hoping that her Goddess will grant her the redemption she seeks.


Adventure is her calling, and it is when she is with her fellow adventurers when she feels really at home. She would never admit it, but she would give her own life to protect them... even Yaboji.


  • She's one of the heaviest drinkers out of the rowdy Table #5, second only to El'ber Galarga.